Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations

Publisher: Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston, S.C., 1867
Denomination: Judaism
Language: English
Notes: 3rd ed., revised and corrected. Available online http://huc.edu/research/libraries/guides/earp/hymnskkbe
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Who, God of glory! shall be found
102Of all the virtues that we find
103Oh! ever adverse to the scheme
104Why, O man! is not thy soul's desire
105What cause hast thou, O Israel for tears?
106How beautiful it is to see, Brethren unite harmoniously
107"Let there be love!" it is the light
108Truly and tenderly should I
109When I remember, O my God!
110Intensely radiant was thy peak
111Blest is the bond of wedded love
112O thou, whose shrine the sweestest incense bears
113I saw a palace proud and high
114Return, O Lord! and let me be
115Bounteous Father! by what cause
116Oh! blest be he who ne'er forgets the poor
117Stretched languidly upon his couch
118Pray in the night! when silence and the stars
119How oft has man, with "heart of stone"
120Who is that angel of the universe
121Pray when the morn unveileth
122When night from nature's kingdom flies
123Though faith's discordant woshipers may rear
124In perilous probation here
125Oh, worship God! approach His shrine
126Lift, lift the voice of praise on high
127Here, at this temple's holy shrine
128Refuge I seek at the shrine of devotion
129Begin the holy hymn of praise
130Praise ye the Lord! for it is good
131Let the Lord ever be praised
132O uncreated Holy One!
133Eternal, almighty, invisible God!
134We bless Thee, O Lord! as the bountiful Source
135Extol the King who, throned above
136All living souls shall bless thy name
137Above all honor and all praise
138Glory and praise to the bountiful Sire
139House of Judah, bless the Lord!
140If mortal vision may not meet
141Princes of earth! bend lowly down
142Refresh'd by sleep, that sovereign balm
143The Lord, a watchful guardian, reigns
144Holy and everlasting One!
145Oh! sad is nature's aspect now
146How sad the wintry hours seem
147O Thou! who, as the Great Unknown
148Is there within the world's wide bound
149Father of nations! Judge divine!
150Oh! answer me, my God! this day
151Have mercy on Thy servant, Lord!
152Leaders of Israel, arise!
153What painful mem'ries from the buried past
154Oh! worship not at glory's shrine
155Unto Thine altar, King of Kings!
156Exalted theme of human praise
157From my voice shall virtue's praise proceed
158Cast me not from Thy presence, Lord!
159Stranger to that pure ambition
160Mournfully chant! for our choir accords
161Woe unto Zion! she is spoiled
162Oh! plaintive be the touch and tone
163Creator of the universe! When I before Thee would rehearse
164Gather and worship! The first star of eve
165Daughters of Israel, arise!
166It is the solemn Sabbath-day
167He spoke--and thro' the gloom profound
168Source of mercy, truth and grace!
169With joyful heart I greet again
170God of the Sabbath! to Thy praise
171In harmony with Heaven's peace
172Now let the hand of toil suspend
173Praise the Lord God, the glorious Supreme!
174Hallow my sabbaths! Will Israel respond
175Prepare and purify my heart
176Rest for the Lord! The work is done
177Praise to the God of nations sing
178Between the past and future year
179Into the tomb of ages past
180Morn breaks upon Moriah's height
181Look down, O God! with gracious eye
182My heart is bared to Thee, O Lord!
183Lord of the world! when I behold
184Eternal love is Thine, O God!
185Father of mercies! on this morning
186Comfort ye, O Israel! and lift no more
187How desolate thy fields and vales
188Praise the Councellor supreme!
189Rude are the tabernacles now
190Of Heaven's bounties let us sing
191How great, how pure is my delight
192Great Arbiter of human fate
193God dwells in light!
194Arise! let the souls of the Hebrews rejoice
195Almighty God! thy special grace
196O God! to-day our joyful song of praise
197God of the earth, the air, the sea
198Oh! let us mingle heart and voice
199Hallelujah! Praise to Thee
200Glory to God! whose outstretched hand

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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