Hymn author's name spelling?

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What is the correct spelling of the author's surname for "Brethren, We Have Met To Worship"?
This page says "Askins":  https://hymnary.org/text/brethren_we_have_met_to_worship#Author
but some printed versions (but not all) in numerous hymnals say "Atkins".   Several of the earliest publications (text only) refer to "the late G. Askins".

Perhaps Askins is correct?



The hymn "Brethren, we have met to worship" is attributed to two different people - George Askins who died in 1816 and George Atkins who lived from 1793 to 1827. The Cyber Hymnal credits George Atkins and cites  <cite>Sing It Again</cite> by John Irving Erickson (Chicago: Covenant Press, 1985) for the source of this information. <cite>The Makers of the Sacred Harp</cite> by David Warren Steel and Richard H. Hulan (Urbana: University of Illinoise Press, 2010) credit George Askins. Authorship is discussed on the Discipleship Ministries (United Methodist Church website: https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/articles/history-of-hymns-brethren-we-have-met-to-worship We trust the research of Steel and Hulan; but some hymnals side with Erickson and The Cyber Hymnal.

I'm being just a little flippant here, but is Erickwon the same person as John Irving Erickson? Sorry, Dianne, couldn't help it!