Alexander Weichert

Short Name: Alexander Weichert
Full Name: Weichert, Alexander does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Alexander Weichert (7)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[God is always near me] (11767)H. Weichert (Composer)111767 15253 212
[God is bond, God is bond. Take the hand!]Alexander Weichert (Composer)211231 12354 3
[Hushed is the trampling of hosts]Alexander Weichert (Composer)255555 55434 52
[Jesus: Thou, Water pure]Alexander Weichert (Composer)232112 33354 323
[The valley opens wide]Alexander Weichert (Composer)253355 43217 12345
[Thou, Thou! Spirit of Christ]Alexander Weichert (Composer)233321 21234 543
[Twilight deep'ning, hope disappearing]Alexander Weichert (Composer)217123 21323 4543
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