Charles Edward Prior

Short Name: Charles Edward Prior
Full Name: Prior, Charles Edward, 1856-1927
Birth Year: 1856
Death Year: 1927

Charles Edward Prior, 1856-1927

Prior played the pi­a­no at the Ital­i­an Bap­tist Miss­ion in Hart­ford, Con­nec­ti­cut, in the late 19th Cen­tu­ry.

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Texts by Charles Edward Prior (5)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Be Thou my help, my joy in tribulationC. E. P. (Author)English5
Come at the dawning of life's early morningChas. Edw. Prior (Author)English2
It may not be on the mountain's heightCharles E. Prior (Author (v. 2, 3))English15
Nem sempre será pra o lugar que eu quiserCharles Edwin Prior, 1856-1927 (Author (st. 2, 3))Portuguese2
Songs of the kingdom we will sing while here we journeyChas. Edw. Prior (Author)English2

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