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O kjære Sjæl, luk op din Mund

Author: Kingo Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Lyrics: 1 O kjære Sjæl, luk up din Mund, Den Tunge bør sig røre Med Tak udaf dit Hjertes Grund, At Himlens Gud kan høre, Hvor du ved Guds Aand takke vil For Ordet, han dig sendte til: O se, hvad du kan gjøre! 2 Hvor kan jeg noksom skjønne paa, Og værdelig begrunde, At Verden, som i Synden laa, Gud vilde dog forunde Sit saliggjørend' Livsens Ord, Ja Daaben og sin Nadverds Bord, Hvorved den hjælpes kunde! 3 Og, at vi kan hans Naade se, Han Lærere os sender, Hans Ord og Sakramenterne De har i Mund og Hænder, Og med Formaning til enhver, Forstandere i Herren er; Gid vi den Naade kjender! 4 Det Embede saa værdigt er, Gid vi det aldrig savne, Men dem, som deri tjene her, Med Kjærlighed omfavne, Og leve samtlig' udi Fred Med god og frelst Samvittighed! Det vil os meget gavne. 5 Gid Jesu Glæde i os bo, Og Bønnens Aand os røre, At vi vor Gud med Fryd og Ro Taksigelse kan gjøre, Og aldrig staa Guds Aand imod, Men tro hans Ord af Hjerterod, Det elske, ære, høre! 6 Giv os, o Gud, din Helligaand, Hvorved vi ret kan prøve Hver Lærdom, og med sund Forstand Os i den sande øve, Og sky al Ondskabs Skam og Skin, At ei i usund Lærdoms Trin Guds Aand vi skal bedrøve! 7 Men Fredens Gud i Kjærlighed Os saa tilsammen binde, At i hans Kraft vi blive ved Et helligt Navn at vinde, Saa Sjæl og Aand og Legem maa Paa Kristi Dag fuldkomne staa, Guds Salighed at finde!

O Jesu, Verdens Frelsermand

Author: Kingo Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Lyrics: 1 O Jesu, Verdens Frelsermand Du store Livsens Fyrste, Som Hjorten efter Kilde-Vand Min Sjæl for dig mon tørste! O du, Gud Faders evig' Søn, Som vilde fra dig Rige Dybt nedstige, At frelse Adams Kjøn Og Satan at bekrige. 2 Du haver med dit dyre Blod For mig og alle sonet, Og gjort fuldkommen Syndebod, For evig Død os skaanet, Om vi ei ubodfærdelig I Synden os formaster, Og forkaster Vor Arv i Himmerig Ved Vantro vor og Laster. 3 Og om jeg havde synder fleer, End Havets Sand i Mængde, Og Satan, som min Uferd ser, Med Fristelser mig trengte, I Troen ham jeg træder mod Med Jesu Værdskylds Baade Og den Naade, Jeg have i hans Blod, Som ei har Maal og Maade. 4 Skal jeg og efter Guds Behag Her meer end andre være Af Korset bøiet og hver Dag Min Byrde møisom bære, Min Sjæl forbedres dog derved, Thi du mig understytter, Korset nytter, Thi ved Taalmodighed Jeg nær til Himlen flytter. 5 Naar Svaghed mig og lægger paa Min Sotteseng, og Smerte Mig griber fat fra Top til Taa, Til Marv, til Been og Hjerte, Da trøster mig din Pines Fynd, Som jeg i Sjælen finder, Smerten svinder, Du sonet har min Synd, Det mine Saar forbinder. 6 Og endelig i Dødens Stund, Naar Øinene vil briste, Skal ingen i den sidste Blund Af Troens Haand dig vriste; Men paa din Død jeg dristelig Og i din Tro vil vove At hensove, Du ta'r min Sjæl til dig, Som skal dig evig love.

Udi min Angst og Nød

Author: Ukj.; Hans Ravn Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Lyrics: 1 Udi min Angst og Nød Til dig, o Herre sød, Jeg søger hen og haster, Min Sorg paa dig jeg kaster, Ulykken af du vender, Det staar i dine Hænder. 2 Bedrøver mig min Synd, Som er saa mangelund, Jeg vil dog ei forsage, I alle mine Dage, Paa Kristum vil jeg haabe, Til hannem al Tid raabe. 3 Og kommer snart min Død, Det Vinding er i Nød, Mit Liv mon Kristus være, Jeg vil mig ham forære; Jeg dør i Dag, i Morgen, Mig frelser Gud af Sorgen. 4 O Herre Jesu Krist, Du bar min Pine vist Paa Korset, der du døde For mig med største Møde, Mig Salighed at hente, Thi maa jeg Himlen vente. 5 Amen i allen Stund Jeg syng'r af Hjertens Grund; Den Helligaand os føre, Og vore Hjerter røre, At vi her allesammen Dig prise altid! Amen! Text Sources: Tysk


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Appears in 117 hymnals Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Tune Key: C Major Incipit: 33234 43551 6445 Used With Text: Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
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[Jeg har min Sag til Gud hjemstilit]

Appears in 3 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Ludv. M. Lindeman Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Tune Key: d minor or modal Incipit: 15531 11751 76544 Used With Text: Jeg har min Sag til Gud hjemstilit
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Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 12435 54536 54435 Used With Text: How helpless guilty nature lies


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Jesus han er Syndres Ven

Author: Joh. Schader; Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #646 (1919) Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Dette Ord kan Døde vække, Og os aabne Himmelen, Naar os Helvede vil skrække; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 2 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Derfor kom han ned paa Jorden. O den Glæde: Frelseren Selv et Menneske er vorden! Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 3 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Som for alle Syndre døde, Lagde derved Djævelen Og hans ganske Rige øde; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 4 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Vil dem fri fra Synden gjøre, Straffen og Forbandelsen Skal dem aldrig mere røre; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 5 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Endog de sig fra ham vendte, Hen ud i Fordærvelsen Og forsætlig Ondskab rendte; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus han er Syndres Ven. 6 Jesus han er Syndres Ven; Vil de kun saa sant forsage Ret for Alvor Djævelen, Gud vil gjerne mod dem tage; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 7 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Vil sig nu med magt forbarme, Strækker ud mod Synderen Sine milde Naadens Arme; Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 8 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Arme Synder, lad dig sige, Vend dig om alvorligen! Du skal finde Naadens Rige. Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 9 Jesus han er Syndres Ven; Ingen mer i Synden dvæle! Hør, hvor raaber Frelseren: Hid til mig, I arme Sjæle! Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. 10 Jesus han er Syndres Ven, Hører det, al Verdens Ender, Falder ind til Gud igjen, Som udbreder sine Hænder! Haster, løber til ham hen! Jesus kan er Syndres Ven. Languages: Norwegian
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Nu bør ei Synden mere

Author: Kingo Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #488 (1919) Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Nu bør ei Synden mere Med Magt og Herredom Udi mit Kjød regjere, Men daglig kastes om; Thi jeg i Daaben er Af Gud til Naade taget, Har i den Pagt forsaget Al' Satans Gjerninger. 2 Vil jeg af Daaben bramme Og af min Jesu Død, O, hvor maa jeg mig skamme, Om jeg, som er gjenfød, Ei kaster Bolt og Baand Paa Synden, naar den fødes, At den maa daglig dødes Ved Herrens kraftig' Aand. 3 Hvad Trøst kan det mig give, At Jesus ham opstod, Om jeg vil stedse blive Foruden Bøn og Bod Forhærdet i min Synd, Og altid mig indælte I Vellyst og mig vælte Af et i andet Dynd? 4 Nei, nei! jeg bør at lade I Liv og Gjerning se, At jeg vil Synden hade, Og mig saaledes te, At daglig jeg opstaar, Og med al Hjertens Glæde Vil Synden undertræde Ved ham, som alt formaar. 5 O hjælp, at jeg korsfæster Den gamle Adam saa, At han ei bliver Mester; O hjælp mig, at jeg maa I Live være død Fra Synd, fra Skam og Laster, Som mig i Døden kaster, Hjælp, Jesus, af den Nød! 6 Thi naar jeg ret har smaget Din Døds og Pines Fynd, Paa Dør er Satan jaget Og hadet hver en Synd; Jeg lever Synden ei, Men tragter kun at trine Ved Jesu Død og Pine Paa Livsens rette Vei. Languages: Norwegian
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Naar mit Øie, træt af Møie

Author: Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #477 (1919) Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Naar mit Øie, træt af Møie, Mørkt og vaadt af Taare-Regn, Ser med Længsel fra sit Fængsel Op mod Salems blide Egn: O, hvor svinder da min Ve Vare ved derop at se! 2 Jeg fornemmer Folkestemmer Alle Slags blandt Engles Lyd, Dem de driver op med Iver I Guds Lovsangs fulde Fryd: O, hvor siger da min Sjæl Verden gladelig farvel! 3 Ja, jeg skuer dine Druer, Paradis, den Livets Frugt! Dine søde Moser mode Mig alt nu med deres Lugt, Giver Tidens Aandedrag Evighedens Luft og Smag. 4 Lammets klare Brudeskare Ser jeg midt i Paradis, Hvor de svømme som i Strømme Af Guds søde Lov og Pris! Snævre Vei og korte Tid, O, hvad er din Ende blid! 5 Naadens Kilde, Jesus milde, Som os Himlen vandt saa huld, Se, hvor Dines Længsel pines Under tidens Aften-Kuld! Naar, o søde Brudgom, da Vil du hente mig herfra? Languages: Norwegian


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Hans Leo Hassler

1564 - 1612 Person Name: H. L. Hassler Topics: The Church Year Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Composer of "[O Jesus, our salvation]" in The Lutheran Hymnary Hans Leo Hassler Germany 1564-1612. Born at Nuremberg, Germany, he came from a family of famous musicians and received early education from his father. He then studied in Venice, Italy, with Andrea Gabrieli, uncle of Giovanni Gabrieli, his friend, with whom he composed a wedding motet. The uncle taught him to play the organ. He learned the polychoral style and took it back to Germany after Andrea Gabrieli's death. He served as organist and composer for Octavian Fugger, the princely art patron of Augsburg (1585-1601). He was a prolific composer but found his influence limited, as he was Protestant in a still heavily Catholic region. In 1602 he became director of town music and organist in the Frauenkirche in Nuremberg until 1608. He married Cordula Claus in 1604. He was finally court musician for the Elector of Saxony in Dresden, Germany, evenually becoming Kapellmeister (1608-1612). A Lutheran, he composed both for Roman Catholic liturgy and for Lutheran churches. He produced two volumns of motets, a famous collection of court songs, and a volume of simpler hymn settings. He published both secular and religious music, managing to compose much for the Catholic church that was also usable in Lutheran settings. He was also a consultant to organ builders. In 1596 he, with 53 other organists, had the opportunity to examine a new instrument with 59 stops at the Schlosskirche, Groningen. He was recognized for his expertise in organ design and often was called on to examine new instruments. He entered the world of mechanical instrument construction, developing a clockwork organ that was later sold to Emperor Rudolf II. He died of tuberculosis in Frankfurt, Germany. John Perry

Martin Luther

1483 - 1546 Person Name: Luther Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Translator of "Kom Helligaand med Skaber-Magt" in M. B. Landstads Kirkesalmebog og "Nokre Salmar" ved Professor Dr. E. Blix, samt følgende tillæg Luther, Martin, born at Eisleben, Nov. 10, 1483; entered the University of Erfurt, 1501 (B.A. 1502, M.A.. 1503); became an Augustinian monk, 1505; ordained priest, 1507; appointed Professor at the University of Wittenberg, 1508, and in 1512 D.D.; published his 95 Theses, 1517; and burnt the Papal Bull which had condemned them, 1520; attended the Diet of Worms, 1521; translated the Bible into German, 1521-34; and died at Eisleben, Feb. 18, 1546. The details of his life and of his work as a reformer are accessible to English readers in a great variety of forms. Luther had a huge influence on German hymnody. i. Hymn Books. 1. Ellich cristlich lider Lobgesang un Psalm. Wittenberg, 1524. [Hamburg Library.] This contains 8 German hymns, of which 4 are by Luther. 2. Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein. Erfurt, 1524 [Goslar Library], with 25 German hymns, of which 18 are by Luther. 3. Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn. Wittenberg, 1524 [Munich Library], with 32 German hymns, of which 24 are by Luther. 4. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1529. No copy of this book is now known, but there was one in 1788 in the possession of G. E. Waldau, pastor at Nürnberg, and from his description it is evident that the first part of the Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, is a reprint of it. The Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, was reprinted by C. M. Wiechmann-Kadow at Schwerin in 1858. The 1529 evidently contained 50 German hymns, of which 29 (including the Litany) were by Luther. 5. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Erfurt. A. Rauscher, 1531 [Helmstädt, now Wolfenbüttel Library], a reprint of No. 4. 6. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1535 [Munich Library. Titlepage lost], with 52 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 7. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Leipzig. V. Schumann, 1539 [Wernigerode Library], with 68 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 8. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1543 [Hamburg Library], with 61 German hymns, of which 35 are by Luther. 9. Geystliche Lieder. Leipzig. V. Babst, 1545 [Gottingen Library]. This contains Luther's finally revised text, but adds no new hymns by himself. In pt. i. are 61 German hymns, in pt. ii. 40, of which 35 in all are by Luther. For these books Luther wrote three prefaces, first published respectively in Nos. 3, 4, 9. A fourth is found in his Christliche Geseng, Lateinisch und Deudsch, zum Begrebnis, Wittenberg, J. Klug, 1542. These four prefaces are reprinted in Wackernagel’s Bibliographie, 1855, pp. 543-583, and in the various editions of Luther's Hymns. Among modern editions of Luther's Geistliche Lieder may be mentioned the following:— Carl von Winterfeld, 1840; Dr. C. E. P. Wackernagel, 1848; Q. C. H. Stip, 1854; Wilhelm Schircks, 1854; Dr. Danneil, 1883; Dr. Karl Gerok, 1883; Dr. A. F. W. Fischer, 1883; A. Frommel, 1883; Karl Goedeke, 1883, &c. In The Hymns of Martin Luther. Set to their original melodies. With an English version. New York, 1883, ed. by Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon and Nathan H. Allen, there are the four prefaces, and English versions of all Luther's hymns, principally taken more or less altered, from the versions by A. T. Russell, R. Massie and Miss Winkworth [repub. in London, 1884]. Complete translations of Luther's hymns have been published by Dr. John Anderson, 1846 (2nd ed. 1847), Dr. John Hunt, 1853, Richard Massie, 1854, and Dr. G. Macdonald in the Sunday Magazine, 1867, and his Exotics, 1876. The other versions are given in detail in the notes on the individual hymns. ii. Classified List of Luther's Hymns. Of Luther's hymns no classification can be quite perfect, e.g. No. 3 (see below) takes hardly anything from the Latin, and No. 18 hardly anything from the Psalm. No. 29 is partly based on earlier hymns (see p. 225, i.). No. 30 is partly based on St. Mark i. 9-11, and xvi., 15, 16 (see p. 226, ii.). No. 35 is partly based on St. Luke ii. 10-16. The following arrangement, however, will answer all practical purposes. A. Translations from the Latin. i. From Latin Hymns: 1. Christum wir sollen loben schon. A solis ortus cardine 2. Der du bist drei in Einigkeit. O Lux beata Trinitas. 3. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der von. Jesus Christus nostra salus 4. Komm Gott Schopfer, heiliger Geist. Veni Creator Spiritus, Mentes. 5. Nun komm der Beidenheiland. Veni Redemptor gentium 6. Was flirchst du Feind Herodes sehr. A solis ortus cardine ii. From Latin Antiphons, &c.: 7. Herr Gott dich loben wir. Te Deum laudamus. 8. Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich. Dapacem, Domine 9. Wir glauben all an einen Gott. iii. Partly from the Latin, the translated stanzas being adopted from Pre-Reformation Versions: 10. Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott. 11. Mitten wir im Leben sind. Media vita in morte sumus. B. Hymns revised and enlarged from Pre-Reformation popular hymns. 12. Gelobet seist du Jesus Christ. 13. Gott der Vater wohn uns bei. 14. Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet. 15. Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist. C. Psalm versions. 16. Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein. 17. Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir. 18. Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott. 19. Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl. 20. Es wollt uns Gott genädig sein. 21. War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit. 22. Wohl dem, der in Gotten Furcht steht. D. Paraphrases of other portions of Holy Scripture. 23. Diess sind die heilgen zehn Gebot. 24. Jesaia dem Propheten das geschah. 25. Mensch willt du leben seliglich. 26. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin. 27. Sie ist mir lieb die werthe Magd. 28. Vater unser im Himmelreich. E. Hymns mainly Original. 29. Christ lag in Todesbanden. 30. Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam. 31. Ein neues Lied wir heben an. 32. Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort. 33. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der den, 34. Nun freut euch lieben Christengemein. 35. Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. 36. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar. In addition to these — 37. Fur alien Freuden auf Erden. 38. Kyrie eleison. In the Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, Dr. Daniel arranges Luther's hymns according to what he thinks their adaptation to modern German common use as follows:— i. Hymns which ought to be included in every good Evangelical hymn-book: Nos. 7-18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38. ii. Hymns the reception of which into a hymn-book might be contested: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33. iii. Hymns not suited for a hymn-book: Nos. 1, 5, 6, 27, 31, 37. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Anne Steele

1717 - 1778 Topics: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Author of "How helpless guilty nature lies" in Church Book Anne Steele was the daughter of Particular Baptist preacher and timber merchant William Steele. She spent her entire life in Broughton, Hampshire, near the southern coast of England, and devoted much of her time to writing. Some accounts of her life portray her as a lonely, melancholy invalid, but a revival of research in the last decade indicates that she had been more active and social than what was previously thought. She was theologically conversant with Dissenting ministers and "found herself at the centre of a literary circle that included family members from various generations, as well as local literati." She chose a life of singleness to focus on her craft. Before Christmas in 1742, she declined a marriage proposal from contemporary minister-hymnist Benjamin Beddome. All the same, some of Steele's sufferings were very real. She lost her mother at age 3, a potential suitor at age 20, her step mom at 43, and her sister-in-law at 45. She spent many years caring for her father until his death in 1769. For most of her life, she exhibited symptoms of malaria, including persistent pain, fever, headaches, and stomach aches. Caleb Evans, in his preface to Steele's posthumous Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose (1780), noted that she had been bed ridden for "some years" before her death: When the interesting hour came, she welcomed its arrival, and though her feeble body was excruciated with pain, her mind was perfectly serene. . . . She took the most affectionate leave of her weeping friends around her, and at length, the happy moment of her dismission arising, she closed her eyes, and with these animating words on her dying lips, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," gently fell asleep in Jesus. Historically, her most popular hymn has been "When I survey life's varied scene" (and its shortened form, "Father, whate'er of earthly bliss"), a hymn that turns earthly loss or denial into a spirit of thankfulness, published in over 800 North American hymnals since 1792. Not all of her work deals with personal agony. Her hymns span a wide doctrinal and ecclesiastical range, some crafted and used for her father's congregation. Her metrical psalms are among the finest of the genre. Steele's hymns and psalms were published in two volumes in 1760, Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, under the pseudonym Theodosia, with an additional volume of material published after her death, in Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose, 1780. Sixty two of her hymns, including new material and some revisions by Steele, were published in a hymnal for Baptists in 1769, A Collection of Hymns Adapted to Public Worship, edited by Caleb Evans and John Ash. Forty seven were included in John Rippon's A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors in 1787; the only author with larger representation was Philip Doddridge, with 101. These collections represent the earliest attempts to anthologize Baptist hymns and were vital for bringing Steele's hymns into wider public worship, where they have been a mainstay for over two hundred years. Chris Fenner adapted from The Towers (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, August 2015) Recommended Bibliography: Cynthia Y. Aalders, To Express the Ineffable: The Hymns and Spirituality of Anne Steele (Milton Keynes, U.K.: Paternoster, 2008). Cynthia Y. Aalders, "In melting grief and ardent love: Anne Steele's contribution to eighteenth-century hymnody," The Hymn (summer 2009), 16-25. J.R. Broome, A Bruised Reed: The Life and Times of Anne Steele (Harpenden, U.K.: Gospel Standard Trust Publications, 2007). Joseph Carmichael, The Hymns of Anne Steele in John Rippon's Selection of Hymns: A Theological Analysis in the Context of the English Particular Baptist Revival (2012), dissertation, Priscilla Wong, Anne Steele and Her Spiritual Vision (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2012) ======================== Steele, Anne, born in 1716, was the daughter of Mr. Wm. Steele, a timber merchant, and pastor, without salary, of the Baptist Church at Broughton, in Hampshire. At an early age she showed a taste for literature, and would often entertain her friends by her poetical compositions. But it was not until 1760 that she could be prevailed upon to publish. In that year two volumes appeared under the title of Poems on Subjects chiefly Devotional, by Theodosia. After her death, which occurred in November, 1778, a new edition was published with an additional volume and a Preface by the Rev. Dr. Caleb Evans, of Bristol (Bristol, 1780). In the three volumes are 144 hymns, 34 Psalms in verse, and about 30 short poems. They have been reprinted in one vol. by D. Sedgwick, 1863…. Among Baptist hymnwriters Miss Steele stands at the head, if we regard either the number of her hymns which have found a place in the hymnals of the last 120 years, or the frequency with which they have been sung. Although few of them can be placed in the first rank of lyrical compositions, they are almost uniformly simple in language, natural and pleasing in imagery, and full of genuine Christian feeling. Miss Steele may not inappropriately be compared with Miss F. R. Havergal, our "Theodosia" of the 19th century. In both there is the same evangelic fervour, in both the same intense personal devotion to the Lord Jesus. But whilst Miss Steele seems to think of Him more frequently as her "bleeding, dying Lord "—dwelling on His sufferings in their physical aspect—Miss Havergal oftener refers to His living help and sympathy, recognizes with gladness His present claims as "Master" and "King," and anticipates almost with ecstasy His second coming. Looking at the whole of Miss Steele's hymns, we find in them a wider range of thought than in Miss Havergal's compositions. She treats of a greater variety of subjects. On the other hand, Miss Havergal, living in this age of missions and general philanthropy, has much more to say concerning Christian work and personal service for Christ and for humanity. Miss Steele suffered from delicacy of health and from a great sorrow, which befell her in the death of her betrothed under peculiarly painful circumstances. In other respects her life was uneventful, and occupied chiefly in the discharge of such domestic and social duties as usually fall to the lot of the eldest daughter of a village pastor. She was buried in Broughton churchyard. [Rev W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] A large number of Miss Steele's hymns are in common use, the larger proportion being in American hymnbooks. In addition to "Almighty Maker of my frame," “Far from these narrow scenes of night," "Father of mercies in Thy word," and others annotated under their respective first lines, there are also:— i. From her Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, 1760, vols. i., ii. 1. Come, let our souls adore the Lord. Pleading for Mercy. One of two hymns "On the Fast, Feb. 11, 1757," the first being "While justice waves her vengeful hand." 2. Come, tune ye saints, your noblest strains. Christ Dying and Rising. 3. Deep are the wounds which sin has made. Christ, the Physician. 4. Enslaved by sin, and bound in chains. Redemption. 5. Eternal power, almighty God. Divine Condescension. 6. Eternal Source of joys divine. Divine Assurance desired. 7. Great God, to Thee my evening song. Evening. 8. Great Source of boundless power and grace. Desiring to Trust in God. 9. Hear, gracious [God] Lord, my humble moan [prayer] . The presence of God desired. 10. Hear, O my God, with pity hear. Ps. cxliii. 11. How long shall earth's alluring toys ? On Longing after unseen pleasures. 12. How lovely, how divinely sweet. Ps. lxxziv. 13. How oft, alas, this wretched heart. Pardoning Love. 14. In vain my roving thoughts would find. Lasting Happiness. 15. Jesus, the spring of joys divine. Christ the Way. 16. Lord, how mysterious are Thy ways. Providence. 17. Lord, Thou hast been Thy Children's God. Ps. xc. 18. Lord, we adore Thy boundless grace. Divine Bounty. 19. Lord, when my [our] raptured thought surveys. Creation and Providence. 20. Lord, when my thoughts delighted rove. Passiontide. 21. My God, 'tis to Thy mercy seat. Divine Mercy. 22. My God, to Thee I call. Lent. 23. O for a sweet, inspiring ray. The Ascended Saviour. 24. O Thou Whose tender mercy hears. Lent. 25. Permit me, Lord, to seek Thy face. Strength and Safety in God alone. 26. Should famine o'er the mourning field. During Scarcity. 27. So fades the lovely, blooming flower. Death of a Child. 28. Stretched on the Cross the Saviour dies. Good Friday. 29. The Lord, my Shepherd and my Guide. Ps.xxiii. 30. The Lord, the God of glory reigns. Ps. xciii. 31. The Saviour calls; let every ear. The Invitation. 32. There is a glorious world on high. True Honour. 33. Thou lovely [only] Source of true delight. Desiring to know Jesus. 34. Thou only Sovereign of my heart. Life in Christ alone. 35. To Jesus, our exalted Lord. Holy Communion. 36. To our Redeemer's glorious Name. Praise to the Redeemer. 37. To your Creator, God. A Rural Hymn. 38. When I survey life's varied scene. Resignation. 39. When sins and fears prevailing rise. Christ the Life of the Soul. 40. Where is my God? does He retire. Rreathing after God. 41. While my Redeemer's near. The Good Shepherd. 42. Why sinks my weak desponding mind? Hope in God. 43. Ye earthly vanities, depart. Love for Christ desired. 44. Ye glittering toys of earih adieu. The Pearl of great Price. 45. Ye humble souls, approach your God. Divine Goodness. ii. From the Bristol Baptist Collection of Ash & Evans, 1769. 46. Come ye that love the Saviour's Name. Jesus, the King of Saints. 47. How helpless guilty nature lies. Need of Receiving Grace. 48. Praise ye the Lord let praise employ. Praise. iii. Centos and Altered Texts, 49. How blest are those, how truly wise. True honour. From "There is a glorious world on high." 50. How far beyond our mortal view. Christ the Supreme Beauty. From "Should nature's charms to please the eye," 1760, st. iii. 51. In vain I trace creation o'er. True happiness. From "When fancy spreads her boldest wings," 1760, st. ii. 52. Jesus, and didst thou leave the sky? Praise to Jesus. From “Jesus, in Thy transporting name," 1760, st. iv. 53. Look up, my soul, with cheerful eye. Breathing after God. From No. 40, st. v. 54. Lord, in the temple of Thy grace. Christ His people's Joy. From "The wondering nations have beheld," 1760, st. iii. 55. My God, O could I make the claim. Part of No. 9 above. 56. My soul, to God, its source, aspires. God, the Soul's only Portion. From "In vain the world's alluring smile," st. iii. 57. O could our thoughts and wishes fly. Part of No. 11 above, st. iv. 58. O for the eye of faith divine. Death anticipated. From "When death appears before my sight," 1760, st. iii., vii., viii. altered, with opening stanzas from another source. 59. O Jesus, our exalted Head. Holy Communion. From "To Jesus, our exalted Lord." See No. 35. 60. O world of bliss, could mortal eyes. Heaven. From "Far from these narrow scenes of night." 61. See, Lord, Thy willing subjects bow. Praise to Christ. From "O dearer to my thankful heart," 1780, st. 5. 62. Stern winter throws his icy chains. Winter. From "Now faintly smile day's hasty hours," 1760, st. ii. 63. Sure, the blest Comforter is nigh. Whitsuntide. From "Dear Lord, and shall Thy Spirit rest," 1760, st. iii. 64. The God of my salvation lives. In Affliction. From, "Should famine, &c," No. 26, st. iv. 65. The Gospel, O what endless charms. The Gospel of Redeeming Love. From "Come, Heavenly Love, inspire my song." 66. The mind was formed lo mount sublime. The Fettered Mind. From "Ah! why should this immortal mind?" 1760, st. ii. 67. The once loved form now cold and dead. Death of a Child. From "Life is a span, a fleeting hour," 1760, st. iii. 68. Thy gracious presence, O my God. Consolation in Affliction. From "In vain, while dark affliction spreads," 1780, st. iv. 69. Thy kingdom, Lord, for ever stands. Ps. cxlv. From "My God, my King, to Thee I'll raise," 1760, st. xii. 70. Triumphant, Christ ascends on high. Ascension. From "Come, Heavenly Love, inspire my song," 1760, st. xxxii. 71. When blest with that transporting view. Christ the Redeemer. From "Almighty Father, gracious Lord," 1760, st. xi. 72. When death before my sight. Death Anticipated. From "When death appears before my sight," 1760. 73. When gloomy thoughts and boding fears. Com¬forts of Religion. From "O blest religion, heavenly fair," 1760, st. ii. 74. When weary souls with sin distrest. Invitation to Rest. From "Come, weary souls, with sin distressed," 1760. 75. Whene'er the angry passions rise. Example of Christ. From “And is the gospel peace and love?" 1760, st. ii. All the foregoing hymns are in D. Sedgwick's reprint of Miss Steele's Hymns, 1863. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Steele, Anne, p. 1089, i., Additional hymns in common use: 1. Amazing love that stoop'd so low. Thankfulness. From "O dearer to my thankful heart," 1780, iii. 2. Bright scenes of bliss, unclouded skies. Saved by Hope. Poems, 1760, i. p. 228. 3. Jesus demands this heart of mine. Pardon De¬sired. Poems, 1760, i. p. 120. 4. Jesus, Thou Source divine. Christ the Way. Poems, 1760, i. p. 53, altered. 5. Lord, how mysterious are Thy ways. Mysteries of Providence. Poems, 1760, i. p. 131. 6. Lord^in Thy great, Thy glorious Name. Ps. xxxi. Poems, 1760, ii. p. 158. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)