Song of Hope

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May the God of hope go with us every day

Translator: Alvin Schutmaat
Tune: ARGENTINA (Traditional)
Published in 8 hymnals

Playable presentation: Lyrics only, lyrics + music
Audio files: Recording

Song available on My.Hymnary

Representative Text

May the God of hope go with us every day,
filling all our lives with love and joy and peace.
May the God of justice speed us on our way,
bringing light and hope to every land and race.
Praying, let us work for peace;
singing, share our joy with all;
working for a world that's new,
faithful when we hear Christ's call.

Source: Hymns of Promise: a large print songbook #196

Translator: Alvin Schutmaat

Alvin Schutmaat (b. 1921; d. 1988). Using arts to communicate the gospel, Columbian Alvin Schutmaat studied Latin American literature and education in Edinburgh, returning to Colombia to teach theology and music at the Presbyterian Seminary in Bogata; he also taught at the Latin American Biblical Seminary in Costa Rica. Sing! A New Creation! Go to person page >



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Instances (1 - 8 of 8)

Church Hymnary (4th ed.) #256

Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #256

TextPage Scan

Hymns of Promise #196

Sing a New Creation #168

Singing the Faith #411

The Book of Praise #726


The Faith We Sing #2186

TextPage Scan

Voices United #424

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