See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw

See him lying on a bed of straw

Author: Michael Perry
Published in 16 hymnals

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Source: Ancient and Modern: hymns and songs for refreshing worship #82

Author: Michael Perry

Initially studying mathematics and physics at Dulwich College, Michael A. Perry (b. Beckenham, Kent, England, 1942; d. England, 1996) was headed for a career in the sciences. However, after one year of study in physics at the University of London, he transferred to Oak Hill College to study theology. He also studied at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and received a M.Phil. from the University of Southhampton in 1973. Ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1966, Perry served the parish of St. Helen's in Liverpool as a youth worker and evangelist. From 1972 to 1981 he was the vicar of Bitterne in Southhampton and from 1981 to 1989, rector of Eversley in Hampshire and chaplain at the Police Staff College. He then became vicar of Tonbridge in Ke… Go to person page >



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Worship and Rejoice #227
  • Bulletin Score (melody only) (XML)
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Instances (1 - 16 of 16)

Ancient and Modern #82

Anglican Hymns Old and New (Rev. and Enl.) #650

Church Family Worship #656

TextPage Scan

Church Hymnary (4th ed.) #310

Common Praise #68

Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New #589

Page Scan

Complete Mission Praise #589

TextPage Scan

CPWI Hymnal #84


Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.) #91

TextPage Scan

Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #310

Hymns Old and New #440

Sing Glory #361

Singing the Faith #216

The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #334

TextScoreAudioPage Scan

Worship and Rejoice #227


Worship and Song #3061

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