International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Parent Structure:

DenominationsPentecostalInternational Church of the Foursquare Gospel

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Hymnals:

HymnalAsPublication Date
Foursquare FavoritesInternational Church of the Four-Square Gospel (Ai1928
Foursquare HymnalInternational Church of the Four-Square Gospel (Ai1957
Foursquare Hymnal of Standard Songs of EvangelismInternational Church of the Foursquare Gospel1936
Foursquare Hymnal of Standard Songs of EvangelismInternational Church of the Foursquare Gospel1943
Foursquare Hymnal of Standard Songs of EvangelismInternational Church of the Four-Square Gospel (Ai1943
Living Way HymnalInternational Church of the Foursquare Gospel1978
Tabernacle RevivalistInternational Church of the Four-Square Gospel (Ai1920